
Education & Empowerment

Hatha Yoga Teacher

Meditation Facilitator

Mindfulness Practitioner

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" Let the beauty of what you LOVE be what

you do " ~ Rumi ~

My name is Sarah - The Soul Stage. I have spent a long time trying to understand my name, my brand, my intention. I wanted to create, develop, nourish and grow a presence that would support my many passions in life, a presence that would embody all elements of ME.

SOUL - it is connected to my 'ANAHATA' which is the Sanskrit for HEART Chakra, Heart space. The relationship with my heart, our journey of self love, self confidence and self expression.

STAGE - it is connected with my 'MANIPURA' which is the Sanskrit for SOLAR PELXUS Chakra, the space of personal power, my centre stage. The relationship I have with my work as an artist, my creativity and its liberation, how I entertain, educate and empower.


“ The position of the artist is humble.

She/he/they is essentially a channel ”

~ Piet Mondrian ~


Raising our voices, our vibrations to activate and instigate the waves of change for and with our communities.

As a working-class artist, I am a voice to represent the working-class communities; to speak up against the injustices, the poverty, the discrimination, and the lack of equality. vision is to embody the foundations in which theatre has a humanistic responsibility to give space for stories untold, for experiences never shared, to educate and empower.

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'“We are, ourselves creations. And we, in turn are meant to continue creativity by being creative ourselves

~ Julia Cameron ~

I have been facilitator for over eight years now. I've worked with the Education Authority, Wheelworks Children's Charity, The Princes Trust and also Time to Shine theatre, Play Make Believe Children's Theatre and Bright Young Things.

I feel it’s my responsibility to provide a safe, nurturing space where children can develop skills in imagination, storytelling and devising as well as encouraging their development of self-confidence, self-worth and self-esteem.


'" Follow what lights you up and you'll light up the world "

~ Rebecca Campbell ~

Just like the stage, the yoga mat has become my sacred space. A place to connect with self, creativity, expansion and expression, the exploration and play therapy of body, mind and soul.

Just as the shows bring the communities together, so does my classes. Taking the audience on a journey of perspective and reflection, I take my students on the same journey. The journey of creativity, expression and freedom. The journey of emotional and physical awareness, the education of purpose and life. The journey of empowerment of people and self.


''Rooted, Connected, Protected"

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Pop Up In the Park - Summer Pilates & Yoga Collaboration with Shelly Hackett and Amy Brett from SLAINTE RETREATS New York City July 2022.

Corrymeela Retreat - Wellness Retreat; Yoga & Meditation Collaboration with TALLY KNIPE at EVENTS WISE NI Corrymeela, BallyCastle - June 2023







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